Sunday, June 17, 2007

Lessons from a Sheepdog - Sheepdog Trials

Finished reading Lessons from a Sheepdog by Phillip Keller and visited Estes Park Wool Market where a version of sheepdog trials occurred. Phillip Keller discussed seven lessons to be learned from a sheepdog. First, the wrong master will enslave and cause a dog to fear and be unable to work; 2) after the dog is set free to follow the good master, he has to learn to respond properly; 3) the new master teaches the dog to trust him by his goodness and concern for the well being of the dog; 4) the dog delights to obey the new master and responds to the benevolence and kindness of the master; 5) there is a test of faithfulness for the dog to stay where he is needed, learning to obey based on signals; and not being distracted by other events, circumstances or location of the master; 6) disobedience and faithlessness sometimes result in the need for discipline to correct wrong behavior. The discipline is exercised in love by the master and his love never disappears; and 7) the sheepdog is available for any task and will perform any assignment for the master because the dog knows the master loves him.

In Estes Park, various breeds of sheepdog herded the sheep, short-legged corgis and long-maned border collies, Australian shepherds and numerous types of Heelers demonstrated the above principles and responded to cues from their master. They did not respond to the cues of others, nor did they do harm to the sheep. If left to their own, however, some would have worn the sheep out by continuing to round and drive them from one spot to another. Each breed of dog worked in a slightly different manner. Some were gatherers, some motivators, some drivers.

Seems as though God is trying to drive home a point to me. I finished the book just before leaving for the Wool Market and had no idea that the demonstration of the dogs would be part of the event. God takes me through various stages to reach the goal of His glory. Being set free from the Evil One, sin and fear; working out who is my Master, His trustworthiness, faithfulness and love for me; delighting in His sacrifice on the cross for me and desiring to obey all His commands; serving where placed and how the Master has asked me to work; the need for discipline when I am distracted from the task at hand and He has a particular job assignment for me; and being available for any assignment no matter where that might take me or how difficult the job.

Jesus, my Master, has corralled me by His love and faithfulness. How can I be so ungrateful to not respond with obedience. Sometimes I am that ungrateful and it is exhibited in my selfishness rather than selfless love and service to others. Lord Jesus forgive me! Thank You for the way You teach in objects that have meaning to me.

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