Saturday, September 29, 2007

Glenn McCoy - Time Magazine

Just received my Creative Knitting magazine, November 2007 and on the reader page a copy of Glenn McCoy's political cartoon and his view of Time magazine. I rolled on the floor! How true -- Creative Knitting does influence my behavior much more than Time. By the way, isn't Time an anachronism in this day and age? Knitting is definitely much more hip!

Kudos to Glenn McCoy.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Griffith Baptism

Brenda and Steve and their three adult sons, Joel, Mark and Andy, were baptized on Saturday in a neighbor's pool. Took this pic just before Brenda was immersed by husband, Steve and friend, Jim.
Brenda made a profession of faith in Jesus Christ and a statement of why she was being baptized at this point in her life. Very important step for the whole family and I was privileged to be included as a witness to this momentous occasion.

Nicke Update

Here she is! What a sweetie. We've been going to obedience training. She tries hard but her owner isn't learning too quick. We may need to take this class again. Nicke's 5 month attention span is real-l-l-l-l short.