Thursday, December 17, 2009

Woolly End Renovations

Today started another renovation project at "Woolly End" House.  The whole indoors is dusty and messy from the tear out of the carpet and the beginning of installing real wood floors, 2 3/4, 4 and 5 inch boards, tongue and groove.  Of course there was the proverbial "discovery" of an anomaly that the original wood floors in the dining room and kitchen were 1/8 of an inch higher than the new floor, requiring another visit to Home Depot for a 1/8 inch underlayment.  But we are underway and halfway through the install of the living room at this writing.  Numerous obstacles have arisen like the stone fireplace trim was not quite 3/4" above the subflooring, some of the lumber was warped, etc., etc.  Normal stuff.  It may be months before we are truly finished but we are started!

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