Thursday, September 02, 2010

Sweater Quest

Adrienne Martini.  Sweater Quest -- My Year of Knitting Dangerously.  Adrienne undertakes a commitment to knit an Alice Starmore pattern "Mary Tudor" in a year with setbacks, tinks, and defensive postures from family, friends, pets and the sweater itself.  Chronicling all the mental lapses, intimidation and painful soul-searching this experience journal reveals a year of fascination, fear and sometimes flaunting of Alice. 

The personalized sweater is nicknamed "Lana" because of Adrienne's personalization of the pattern colors by substituting yarns, a horrible offense against the designer and literally an affront.  Copious detail is given of Alice Starmore's attempts to defend trademark of  her patterns, yarn choices and the singular use of any of her designs without any tweaks.

Fixating on Lana and Alice Starmore's design, Adrienne raises a thematic question similar to the one asked in a Breck commercial of old which is slightly modified for this situation:  "Is it or isn't it?"  My response after reading this spellbinding record of minutiae, "Only the knitter knows for sure!"

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