Friday, March 28, 2008

Becoming Jane / The Queen

Becoming Jane and The Queen both star James Cromwell of Babe and 24 fame.

Becoming Jane is an attempt at a semi-biographical telling of Jane Austen's life and quite wonderful views of the quaint and quintessential English countryside. The scenery draws me in and pulls at me to return to a long ago time of peace and quiet. Maggie Smith, a marvelous character actress, and Anne Hathaway also star in this film. Wow! I enjoyed this movie.

The Queen is a story about Queen Elizabeth II's handling of the events following the death of Diana, the former Princess of Wales, and how she manages affairs of the Royal Household. The report presents her as non-emotional at the delivery of the news of Diana's death. However, by the end of the reel, the viewer sees Elizabeth's attempts to maintain the dignity of the monarchy including precedent and yet bends to the persistent requests of Tony Blair and the people to make a public statement about the Royal family sentiments, their reluctance to speak and their concern for the welfare of the Nation. More than that, the family returns to Buckingham Palace only to see vile and violent sentiments about her and the others of the Windsor family along with all the flowers left at the Palace Gates for Diana's memory. With great composure the Queen turns to the crowd, sees a little girl with flowers, asks her if She could place the flowers and the little girl responds ... "No, .... they're for you." This drama earned the critics approval and now I understand why!

Recommendations on both of these movies: Yes and Yes. Both of these are ones I would see again.

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