Sunday, January 24, 2010

Hail and Farewell

Today was the Hail and Farewell Ceremony for the 193rd MP Unit based out of Denver, Colorado.  A portion of Jonathan's engineer company is attached and will be deployed with the MPs.  The 101st Band played as the soldiers marched into the Douglas County Event Center.  Only a few more days and they will depart for their assignment.  The program included singing the Army Song -- "The cassions go rolling along..."  and the National Anthem.  

Frank and I wore matching shirts which were given to us by Dave and Susan at Christmas time.  The Blue Star represents a deployed family member.  We'll be proudly displaying a similar banner on our front door.  And the oak tree out front will be festooned with yellow ribbons when the unit returns.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Yesterday was my initiation to Facebook. Seems to be so many different layers of communication that are possible and connections with old and new friends.

Francis Schaeffer

As a philosopher of the 1970s, Francis Schaeffer understood the human condition and taught that history does follow a pattern. In his book True Spirituality he explains that faith is not a leap in the dark but the belief and trust in something known. Further, that faith is lived out in a moment by moment trust in the character of God as evidenced by Christ's death on the cross and subsequent resurrection.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Art 101

After much wishing and hemming and hawing, I finally got started on something frozen in my mind for quite some time.  Many years ago, a book called How Great Thou Art came to my attention.  It's a basic book on drawing and beginning at the beginning.  So, yesterday I began with drawing a straight line -- over and over for at least 6 pages.  It's straighter and my control is a little better.

So I'm underway and enjoying the experience immensely!

God, the Creator, made man after His image -- so, I need to exercise my brain and learn another avenue of being creative and emulate Him by His Spirit!

2010 - 365 Posts

In a new year bloggers have resolved to 365 posts on their favorite topic.  Me, well, I can't stand that kind of pressure, nor can I think of a topic that I know either know enough about or be willing to research on a daily basis.  Maybe my ambivalence is because I am a Jack of all trades and as the adage goes "a master of none."

My life is one of constant diversity and curiosity with varying interests that might be conducive to this type of writing:  1) the needle arts including cross stitch, embroidery and knitting; 2) a new / old hobby:  art, both old masters and my own doodles;  3) entertainment venues -- books, movies, museums, etc.; 4) cooking as portrayed in the Julie and Julia movie [but I'm more a Betty Crocker kind of gal]; 5) history, European, British and US; 6) pictorial record of family, friends and acquaintances; and last but not least, 7) Scripture, including daily readings; faith and practice; Bible commentaries; and apologetics.

There have been very few commitments in my life.  One is my family, we were all together for the first time in 7 years this Christmas; my Faith in Jesus Christ -- which is actually the first priority; and my work, which is payment for having fun and being responsible at the same time.  So I guess we'll see which topic comes out on top for this year.

Brit Hume and Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter defends Brit Hume's First Amendment Rights, not for being a reporter, but for being a Christian!  When I was growing up in the USA, I never believed that it would become necessary to defend people's rights to say what they believe.  That's right, I grew up in the 60's when college students expressed their right to free speech, ya know - Berkeley, Haight Ashbury and all those riots where buildings were burned and police pelted with bricks.

I guess I missed the headlines where Christians have held guns to the heads of others, while forcing them to accept the faith or die by the sword.  So why don't Christians have the same rights as the hippies of the 60's? What have they done to need defending?  Christians committed the crime of violating the political correctness directive of "I'm Okay, You're Okay."  They erred by speaking the truth about man's condition.

What is man's condition?  Man is a sinner in need of redemption.  See, Romans 3:23, "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God."  None of us is able to be 100%, infallibly perfect; and without that level of being set apart from sin, we cannot stand in God's presence.  Why?  Because God cannot tolerate any speck of sin.  So He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins.  Those very sins Jesus carried for us (See Isaiah 53) to provide the redemption needed to enter God's presence and live. The truth cannot be tolerated.

What is truth?  Pilate, the Roman Governor, asked Jesus Christ that very question when condemning Christ to death.  Jesus Christ said, "I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life, no man comes to the Father but by Me."  John 14:6.

So thank you Brit and thank you Ann for your willingness to be counted among those of us who love freedom and more than that love our Redeemer.  See Ann Coulter's article at: