My favorite and one shared with the local Knitting Guild is:
A woman is knitting as she drives (which is totally unsafe, and I don't advocate it). Pretty soon, her speed has crept all the way up to 95 mph--and she passes a parked police car. The car gives chase. Officer Bob turns on his siren, but the woman, oblivious, doesn't notice him. Finally, he pulls up alongside her car and yells, "Pull over! PULL OVER!"
She looks at him, looks at her knitting, and yells--
"NO! It's a CARDIGAN!"
See the link for additional laughs:
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Government Benevolence
What is the current form of the United States? Socialist, Oligarchy, Democracy, Republic? Just as Rome began as a Republic (ruled by law); so did these United States of America.
As Rome grew, people desired more influence on the government. Law wasn't as flexible to adapt to the desired behavior. In the early to mid-1800's the young USA began a transformation, with the rule of the common man and the spoils system. Quite incongruous concepts but nonetheless existing side-by-side. Andrew Jackson invoked this "democracy" and since that time, this country became more and more "democratic" -- rule by the majority.
In the US and Rome this deteriorated into rule by the minority. Rome was governed by a triumverate influenced by the Senate and in the early 1960's the US Supreme Court decided that if one person wants to do something and the law forbids it, then the law should be changed. The Constitution became a "living and breathing" document resulting in the rule by an oligarchy (rule by a select few).
In 2009 the US lacks only a crisis to send it forward to the next step experienced by Rome, rule by the "benevolent" dictator for life. In my lifetime CHANGE includes the desires of the majority no longer matter; special interests have the ear of the government; the finance arena, delivery service, manufacturing and agricultural sectors are indebted and controlled by the federals; the deficit of the annual budget has gone from 300 billion per year (before the enactment of TARP) to 1.7 trillion per year; all in less than one year. Will the crisis that sends us into anarchy and a subsequent totalitarian dictatorship result from run away inflation? Devalued money? Inability to produce crops to feed our people?
If we aren't on the verge of financial collapse now, we well could be very soon especially should our leaders shove the pill of government controlled health care down the collective throat. Government health care necessitates a regulatory agency with paper processing non-doctor bureaucrats making decisions on type of diagnosis, authorized form of treatments, prescriptions on allowed formulary lists, resulting in extended delays in performance of "appropriate" tests, medications, aspirin, etc. Clerks will have the authority currently held by physicians; that government right to privacy act (bureaucratic paperwork we've endured at every doctor visit) will only mean your spouse won't know your conditions; however, everyone who has access to a government computer (secured or stolen) will know. Privacy rights will be a thing of the past. We will be servants of a state that watches over our health, our money, our food, our cars ... or are we already?
How did we come this far? On whose watch did we lose our beloved Republic? We think ourselves infinitely wise; yet, we have repeated history and failed to observe the trodding of our downward steps.
You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.
As Rome grew, people desired more influence on the government. Law wasn't as flexible to adapt to the desired behavior. In the early to mid-1800's the young USA began a transformation, with the rule of the common man and the spoils system. Quite incongruous concepts but nonetheless existing side-by-side. Andrew Jackson invoked this "democracy" and since that time, this country became more and more "democratic" -- rule by the majority.
In the US and Rome this deteriorated into rule by the minority. Rome was governed by a triumverate influenced by the Senate and in the early 1960's the US Supreme Court decided that if one person wants to do something and the law forbids it, then the law should be changed. The Constitution became a "living and breathing" document resulting in the rule by an oligarchy (rule by a select few).
In 2009 the US lacks only a crisis to send it forward to the next step experienced by Rome, rule by the "benevolent" dictator for life. In my lifetime CHANGE includes the desires of the majority no longer matter; special interests have the ear of the government; the finance arena, delivery service, manufacturing and agricultural sectors are indebted and controlled by the federals; the deficit of the annual budget has gone from 300 billion per year (before the enactment of TARP) to 1.7 trillion per year; all in less than one year. Will the crisis that sends us into anarchy and a subsequent totalitarian dictatorship result from run away inflation? Devalued money? Inability to produce crops to feed our people?
If we aren't on the verge of financial collapse now, we well could be very soon especially should our leaders shove the pill of government controlled health care down the collective throat. Government health care necessitates a regulatory agency with paper processing non-doctor bureaucrats making decisions on type of diagnosis, authorized form of treatments, prescriptions on allowed formulary lists, resulting in extended delays in performance of "appropriate" tests, medications, aspirin, etc. Clerks will have the authority currently held by physicians; that government right to privacy act (bureaucratic paperwork we've endured at every doctor visit) will only mean your spouse won't know your conditions; however, everyone who has access to a government computer (secured or stolen) will know. Privacy rights will be a thing of the past. We will be servants of a state that watches over our health, our money, our food, our cars ... or are we already?
How did we come this far? On whose watch did we lose our beloved Republic? We think ourselves infinitely wise; yet, we have repeated history and failed to observe the trodding of our downward steps.
You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.
Monday, August 24, 2009
John Newton

Finished From Disgrace to Amazing Grace: John Newton by Jonathan Aitken. Wow! Well written and enlightening how much he influenced the future with his mentoring impact on three Williams: William Wilberforce (abolition of the slave trade and slavery in England); William Carey (first missionary from England) and William Cowper (hymnologist, poet).
Nancy Bush Workshop - Colorado Springs
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