Needleworks by Hollyberry in Old Colorado City hosted Debbie Bliss on a blustery day in January 2007. The shop was brimming with enthusiastic knitters who came to hear how Debbie Bliss selected her themes and developed the projects for the books she publishes each year. Her English accent was tantalizing. We soon were enthralled with all her sweater designs and yarns. As the afternoon waned, we tried on the fashions featured in her most recent publications. The colors and textures of the Debbie Bliss yarns called to us to knit just one more sweater, just one more sweater.
Debbie explained how she chose the sites for the photo shoots, the piecing together of the patterns, the implementation of the design by knitters, the models chosen to wear the "jumpers," the choice of yarns for each project and the final editing before compilation of the photographs and text.
This was quite a different type of workshop. Debbie Bliss informed us her main occupation is the designing and development of ideas rather than the fleshing out of them in actual knitwear. The Workshop's goal was to inspire the creation and meditative process in each of us and I think that was accomplished. Debbie, thank you for coming to Colorado and sharing your expertise with us.